Mysteries of Beauty and Youth: The 3 Most Common Beauty Treatments Women Undergo

Let’s explore the most sought-after and efficient beauty treatments that women of every age rely on the most. They can be from content creators to moms on parental leave.

The idea of “age” no longer holds definitive limits. Women today generally approach cosmetologists with identical requests-youth and natural attractiveness.

There isn’t a singular beauty treatment that can reverse aging in every single instance. Attentive cosmetologists evaluate each individual situation. They each choose various beauty treatments for clients.

This method considers not just problem areas, but also the lifestyle of each woman. For instance, what works well for a 30-year-old professional woman will not produce the same results for a housewife aged over 40.

We examined current trends in cosmetology. They will help you avoid confusion from the vast array of trendy anti-aging treatments and select “the one,” We put together a brief list of favorites.

For Eternally Busy Business Women – SMAS-lifting on Ultraformer MPT

This procedure is often called a delicate alternative to a circular facelift or blepharoplasty. And there are good reasons for that. The main one is that SMAS leaves no traces behind. The transformation occurs gradually and very naturally.

It is for this reason that this type of lifting is most often chosen by business sharks. For them, every minute counts, and their irregular schedule does not imply a long rehabilitation period. Here, a visible result can be obtained after just one procedure. “Jolie angles” will appear, nasolabial folds will be smoothed out, a double chin will be tightened, and malar bags and jowls will become less noticeable.

At the same time, the cosmetologist calculates the required number of procedures. They take into account the age and skin condition of each specific patient. For some, one procedure is enough for a wow effect.

Another advantage of SMAS lifting on Ultraformer MPT is painlessness and speed in comparison with the previous generation.

Several women confess that they frequently drift off to sleep in the middle of the procedure. The device rejuvenates youth and beauty so softly and subtly. The impact in this situation is non-invasive. Ultrasound waves travel through the skin to varying depths, enhancing metabolism and the production of new cells.

Incidentally, beauty manipulation produces a cumulative impact that manifests slowly over the following 2-3 months. This implies that those around you won’t have the slightest idea why you look so stunning now.

It’s well-known that every woman seeks effective methods to preserve her beauty and youth. Nonetheless, not everyone possesses the time or means to regularly test various methods. Similarly to picking a trustworthy online casino like, where users have a seamless, easy-to-navigate experience, choosing the appropriate beauty treatment can transform your life.

For women 40+ — Fractional Needle RF-lifting

This innovative anti-aging technique is able to cope not only with a network of fine wrinkles but also with deep creases. It is for this reason that needle RF lifting is especially loved by women over 40 with already quite pronounced age-related changes. Even after just one radio wave procedure, you can visually lose 5-7 years, while the final result of rejuvenation will appear in a month.

You should not be afraid of the scary word “needle”. During the procedure, the specialist uses a sterile nozzle with 49 microneedles, which very carefully affects the deep layers of the skin.

The thickness of each needle is only 0.2 mm in diameter. The maximum depth of action is 3.5 mm, so the sensitivity of the procedure is minimal. To reduce discomfort to a minimum, the skin is additionally treated with anesthetic cream before the procedure.

What happens next? In the hands of a skilled specialist, the needles penetrate the problem area with pinpoint precision. It transmits a radio wave impulse there, which triggers regeneration processes. It accelerates blood circulation and stimulates collagen production. As a result, the skin becomes more elastic. Facial volumes are restored to their natural type, wrinkles of varying depths are smoothed out and the double chin disappears.

Microneedles do not injure the skin. The rehabilitation process takes only 2–3 days. Moreover, the procedure can be carried out regardless of the time of year.

For mothers on Maternity Leave – Photofraction M22

Women’s bodies are often affected by pregnancy and breastfeeding. This can affect their silhouette, face, and more. If you have already completed lactation and intend to quickly and without surgical intervention regain your former freshness. Therefore, fractional laser rejuvenation will be an excellent solution.  

During the procedure, the laser beam awakens “sleeping” skin cells with a thermal shock. It restarts their division, thereby stimulating the natural processes of generating essential substances. As a result, after the first procedure, wrinkles become less pronounced. Pores narrow, pigmentation, spider veins, and rosacea disappear, and the skin tone is evened out.

Recovery takes about a week. During this period, you should avoid visiting a bathhouse, solarium, and gym, so as not to expose the skin to unnecessary irritation. However, the effect is worth it. After the procedure, you will look like you have just had the best vacation of your life – even if in reality it is maternity leave!

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