Pugs are one of the favorite dog breeds known for their affectionate nature; they are so loving and friendly. However, grooming your TeaCup Pug daily becomes essential, as it keeps them fit and healthy. Pugs are found in different sizes and are unique in physical appearance. That is why it has become more important to groom your pet. Also, teacup pugs are like your royal companions, which can bring much happiness in your life. Still, it becomes essential for the owner to understand that cleaning and maintenance are the most important things for healthy living. This article will discuss the various tips for grooming your pug.
Identifying grooming style for your TeaCup Pugs

Every dog breed has a different coat type and needs to be groomed according to their coat. However, identifying your dog’s style is the first and major step to taking care of your pug’s health. As we know, pugs are short and double-coated, and it becomes challenging to take care of them when the season turns into autumn and spring. Brushing daily is the most essential part to prevent the sticking of your dog’s hair to the furniture. Also, regular trimming can be beneficial for avoiding excess shedding.
Here we provide some of the essential tips that become very helpful while grooming your tea cup pugs:
Trimming the nails of your TeaCup Pugs
TeaCup Pugs nails grow rapidly so it becomes very essential to cut their nails every 3 – 4 weeks. For this process, you can use the tiny nail clipper and trim only the curved portion carefully because dogs’ skin is fragile, and a single wrong cut can harm their veins. However, the best time to trim your dog’s nails is when they fall asleep.
Brushing TeaCup Pugs teeth
We remember to clean our teeth in the morning and night for hygiene purposes. Similarly, cleaning your dog’s teeth is essential and one of the most critical grooming steps. However, brushing the teeth can prevent them from cavities. Moreover, dog toothpaste and toothbrushes are available on the market in different varieties. You can easily find them in stores and websites such as Chewy. You need to be very attentive while using brushes on your TeaCup Pugs teeth because of their sensitive gums; using fingers is preferable. If your teacup pugs is facing difficulty while brushing, you can also opt for the dental toy option that keeps your pet entertained.
Cleaning TeaCup Pugs ears
Doctors recommend cleaning your dog’s ears every two weeks with a cotton ball and an ear cleaning solution. Pay complete attention while using a cotton ball to remove dirt from the ears; do not hit your dog’s ear drum through the cotton ball. Also, avoid using wet water to clean ears; instead, use an ear cleaning solution and wait for 2-3 minutes. When the first raises up, you have to remove it with cotton.
Use towel
After bathing with shampoo and conditioner, you need to dry your dog’s fur with a towel. Avoid using a towel on the skin, as it might be irritating. Use a towel multiple times because your dog’s fur absorbs much water and takes time to dry.
Brushing the dog fur
Teacup Pugs are short animals with short hair, which is why their hairs shed a lot, and you need to brush your dog fur regularly to prevent this shredding. However, you must brush your dog’s fur at least once weekly with stainless steel brushes toward their hair growth. Brushing your dog before and after bathing also results in less shredding. After bathing, the dog’s hair loosens, so brushing them is advised.
Natural shampoo
Always use natural shampoos that are free from chemicals and fragrances. They relieve your dog’s skin from irritation because the skin is very sensitive and becomes irritated when it comes in contact with certain chemicals. Moreover, many products are available in the market, but it is better to use shampoo that doctors prescribe. Conditioner is optional, as it is not important to use conditioner after bathing every time.
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If you are a pet owner, you need to understand your love for your beloved pets, and grooming them is a way to show your affection and love towards your pet. However, grooming needs particular attention, especially for teacup pugs, because of their small height and unique physical appearance. Grooming consists of steps like bathing, cleaning and regular brushing, essential to maintaining your dog’s health. Also, regular trimming of nails, ear cleaning, and teeth brushing help prevent infection and dental problems. Grooming your teacup pugs is not only for good looks but also very important for their overall health.